Furnace Replacement

Is your old furnace tired, dirty and inefficient? Does it draw it’s combustion air from the air inside your home? This is called an open combustion or atmospherically combusted furnace. They are typically woefully inefficient (plus building codes require that you cut a big hole in the side of your house if you have one) but more importantly they can be a serious health risk to you and your family. Because the combustion chamber and flue are directly connected to the air you breathe there is a very real danger of a situation called “backdrafting” occurring which can cause poisonous combustion gases (such as Carbon Monoxide) to be drawn back down the flue and into the air you breathe. If you’re unsure about the efficiency, health, and/or safety of your existing furnace it’s time to call us for a free consultation about replacing your furnace. We supply and install the most energy efficient and reliable furnaces available for both new and replacement installations.

Call Energetechs and Save Heat Now!

(406) 721 2741