Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless, on-demand water heater from Navien in Missoula, MontanaEnergetechs supplies and installs the most energy efficient on-demand hot water heating systems in the world. Made by Navien these beauties are 98% efficient and exceptionally reliable. CLICK HERE to visit the Navien website to read more about the benefits their of super-efficient, tankless, on-demand water heaters.

Super-efficient water heating

At 98% efficient these Navien tankless units are as energy efficient as water heating gets.

Tankless technology saves space

Because they don’t have a big tank full of hot water, these units are much smaller than a typical water heater and are mounted on a wall rather than taking up valuable floor space.

Sealed-combustion water heater means better health and safety

With a sealed-combustion water heater there is almost no possibility of “back-drafting” whereby the flu gases can be sucked back down the flu pipe into the air that you breath in your home. This is a very real danger with typical “atmospherically-combusted” water heaters. But not with a this new technology. Not only is it much more efficient, it is also much safer and healthier.

“On-demand” means you’ll never run out of hot water

On-demand water heaters do exactly as the name suggests, they heat water as it is required. So, with a Navien on-demand water heater, you will never have to worry about running out of hot water.

Where can I find a contractor in Missoula, Montana?

Right here! Energetechs are fully-trained installers of Navien water heaters. We will happily provide you with a free estimate for replacing your existing hot water heater with a brand new Navien unit with all of the benefits listed above and more. We are Missoula’s only full-service home energy efficiency improvement contractors. We service Western Montana from Missoula to Kalispell, Hamilton, Butte, and Helena.

We invite you to call us or send us an email via the “Contact Us” form on the right hand side of this page.

CONTACT US – Energetechs, Inc., – ph.