Finding heat pipes with an Infrared Camera!
June 24, 2009 by green
Filed under What's new?
During the last month we have been asked to use our Infrared Camera to help find the in-floor radiant heat pipes in a couple of different houses.
The image on the left shows one of the images that we obtained using the camera. We were very impressed with how accurately we were able to pinpoint the location of the pipes. In this case the camera was even looking through a hardwood floor over the top of gypcrete.
In the other house we tested we were able to locate the pipes so precisely that the contractor was then able to jackhammer out a four inch thick, reinforced concrete slab from around the pipes without damaging the pipes at all. Pretty impressive!
The more things we find to do with the Infrared Camera the more convinced we are of the value of this tool for precisely determining building issues. Click here for more information on our Infrared Camera Testing services.
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