Gary Mazade

July 13, 2009 by green  
Filed under Meet the Team

Gary mugshot

Gary Mazade


Founder and Executive Consultant

Gary graduated from Michigan State University in 1975 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Sciences.

He moved to western Idaho in 1977 and began working with a building contractor. During this time he noticed several recurring problems with the homes they were building and, being a man of science, he wanted to know why these were occurring. So he began to study “Building Science” which was in its infancy in Canada at the time. Spurred on by their early successes and failures, Gary continued to build his understanding of this “new” science until it became second nature to him.

In 1987 he moved to Western Montana and began applying his passion for building science to the construction of super insulated homes. However he became frustrated with the lack of availability of specialized building products such as HRVs, vapor barriers, and high performance windows. As a result, in 1988 he founded Energetechs Inc.

Fortunately for us Bonneville Power kicked off their “Super Good Cents” program around that time and we were able to win their “Outstanding Performance” award two years in a row.

Over the next 21 years Energetechs grew and gained in knowledge and experience giving us the tools to qualify and quantify the benefits of practicing good building science.

In 2006 Gary handed the ownership of the company to Russ Hellem, and continues to use his vast store of knowledge and scientific understanding to assist us with our work in building energy efficiency.

  • Brooke Fraser

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