Energetechs’ Passive Solar Advice on HGTV-Pro
March 11, 2010 by green
Filed under Newsletter
We were honored recently to receive a call from Kara Wahlgren, a writer for HGTVPro.com. She found our web-site when she searched the internet for a Passive Solar Design Consultant. Kara had a number of questions for our Passive Solar Design expert, Andy Lemann, for an article she was writing on Energy Efficient Windows. Here’s a brief excerpt from the her article…
“…the growing trend of passive solar design allows homeowners to harness the sun’s energy without spending a fortune or cluttering their property with solar-energy collectors. Instead, the key to a successful passive solar design is a strategic approach to installing windows.”
Click on the link below to read the full article or CLICK HERE to visit the HGTVPro.com website which contains a wealth of information aimed at homebuilding professionals.
SeriousWindows for Passive Solar Design
Energetechs recently became a dealer for SeriousWindows, the most energy efficient windows made in North America. These windows are perfectly suited to Passive Solar design because every window that Serious sells comes with the option for either Low-gain or High-gain glass.
One of the beautiful things about Passive Solar Design is that, when it’s done right, it keeps a home warmer in the winter AND cooler in the summer. To achieve this we rely on very high performance windows that have very low U-values (high R-values) and SHGC’s (Solar Heat Gain Coefficients) that are tunable to different orientations. Here’s another quote from Kara’s article…
“…Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). The SHGC measures how much solar heat comes through the window. Lemann recommends a high SHGC on south-facing windows; they’ll let heat in during winter months and proper shading will keep the sun out during summer months. On all other walls, opt for a low SHGC. “It’s difficult to shade windows on the west side because the sun comes in so low — so that’s when you want a window that doesn’t let too much heat through…” (i.e. a window with a low SHGC).
Selecting Energy Efficient Windows
For this reason we always encourage our clients to select the most high-performance windows they can afford. To help with the decision making process we have put together a Window Comparison Spreadsheet that directly compares U-values, R-values, SHGCs, and Prices for High-Performance Windows from a variety of different manufacturers. CLICK HERE to view our Window Comparison Chart.
Or contact us if you have any questions about Passive Solar Design or Energy Efficient Windows.
Energetechs, 615 Oak St, Suite 101, Missoula, MT, 59802 (406) 721 2741